Looking for Individualized Coaching Support to Reach Your Desired Outcomes?
Whether you or someone you know has a diagnosis for or identifies as an individual living with ADHD, Autism, AuDHD, coaching can make a difference in how you relate to others, manage your own or support the management of another's symptoms, maximize the possibilities and minimize the potential negative consequences of operating with a neurospicy brain in a neurotypical world. Building brain awareness, self awareness and a new understanding of executive (executing) functions can be transformative! Click on the links below to learn a little bit more about how coaching works when you begin from each of the following perspectives. (ALL LINKS LIVE BY 12/31/23)
One on One Coaching for Individuals
One on One Coaching Combined with Multi-Person Coaching for More than One Individual
What are Executive Functions?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all of the information cascading, seemingly unchecked, into your brain? Lose your words mid-sentence? Struggle to remember the three things you meant to pick up at the store?
Executive functions (I call them executing functions) are the processes our brains use to manage the influx of sensory data, to create focus and hold attention, and to maintain an accessible record of information we need to use in the short term and the long term. In other words, they are the processes that cause our physical selves to do or not do the thing. Experts argue over how many there are and exactly what to call them. No matter - we know they exist and we know ADHD impairs some or all of them, a little or a lot. We know strategies and techniques may be used to manage and overcome the challenges created by impaired executive functions at any age or stage of development. Coaching can help. |